Back Monday 1st December 1997 Next

by Henry Burrows

Ray arrives, unaware...
Farnborough, Hampshire
Bodies present: Mark Stalker, Sue Element, Ian Lindsay, Henry Burrows

It was Mark S's Foiled debut tonight, and he arrived at the location laden with items of clothing with which to create Ray. While Mark changed into his costume, Ian familiarised himself with the microphone system and Sue prepared the kitchen. About an hour later (Mark was determined to get Ray's character exactly as he wanted it) we were ready to go.

Sue took on alien wrangling duties this time, making the alien run across the kitchen floor, turn and leap onto Ray's chest. We had many attempts at the action, trying various angles and methods of control until we found a combination that worked well and looked good, involving at least two of us standing on chairs.

Ray stares in horror
as the alien leaps at his chest

It was definitely an evening of special effect shots. After the success of the tiny alien running across the floor and jumping into the air we progressed onto a remotely controlled shaking snack-box and our incredibly surreal 'snack-box-cam' - a unique viewpoint from inside the snack-box looking out. We shot one piece of footage outside the house, showing Ray walking down the street, but unfortunately couldn't do any close-ups of his feet and the alien chasing him as the ground was wet and would cause continuity problems.

Ray stares into his snack-box

If all goes to plan, the next batch of kitchen scenes will be shot in two weeks from now.


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